Our Team

Grand Union Language Hub Team

Emily Stallard
Hub Lead

Emily Stallard
Hub Lead
Languages: French, Italian and KS3 German
Current role: Languages Hub Lead, Operational and Strategic Lead for Tudor Grange Teaching School Hub and Teacher of French
Experience: Emily started her career as a SCITT trainee at Tudor Grange Academy Solihull and enjoyed working at Alcester Academy before returning to Tudor Grange in 2015. Emily has been fortunate to enjoy a variety of roles and responsibilities. Initially, this was leading French on a subject level and rooted in curriculum, but soon this expanded to CPD roles, including coaching and leading aspects of whole-school CPD. Emily became passionate about CPD on a wider level and was successfully appointed as Early Career Framework lead for the Teaching School Hub in 2021. Emily has since developed this further and now works with early career teachers on a wider level across parts of the West Midlands, including supporting them with all needs and requirements on a statutory level as well as supporting their progress towards meeting standards and enhancing their CPD opportunities. Emily is really excited to use her experience in the ‘Hub World’ to support the Languages Hub, but is really pleased to be able to work with such a brilliant team to develop love of language learning and success in MFL.

Georgina Jackson
Deputy Hub Lead

Georgina Jackson
Deputy Hub Lead
Languages: German, Spanish and French
Current role: Curriculum Leader for MFL; Trust Assessment and Disciplined Innovation Lead for MFL
Experience: Georgina started her professional career at Tudor Grange Academy Solihull as an NQT and has been involved in a variety of successful language-based projects and roles. Initially, this included leading on extracurricular provision across the department, but her role and remit became increasingly centered on driving departmental improvement both within TGAS and across the Tudor Grange Academies Trust. Appointed as Curriculum Leader for MFL in 2018, Georgina has worked tirelessly to promote the status of languages and to support colleagues across the Trust in doing the same. Georgina is a passionate advocate of research-informed practice and ensures she leads by example with her approaches to teaching and learning with her own classes. Skilled at departmental support, monitoring and evaluation, her attention to detail is informed by her considerate approach to developing those around her and her proficient use of data to ensure the student experience, as well as outcomes, are at the forefront of everything that she and colleagues do. She is looking forward to learning more about your journey of development, hearing your goals and helping you to achieve them.

Christine McCaffrey
Specialist Teacher

Christine McCaffrey
Specialist Teacher
Languages: French, Italian, Spanish and KS3 German
Current role: Teacher of MFL (French and Latin)
Experience: Christine has taught MFL for twenty years in the state and private sectors. Her most recent role was Head of Department at her previous school where she led a successful bid to secure a place on the European Union’s Erasmus Project. This led to the establishment of successful partnerships with schools in France and Spain with teaching and learning professional development initiatives; immersive language and cultural trips abroad for students and teachers; and the creation of an outreach MFL programme to KS2 pupils in feeder primary schools to bridge the gap between Y6 and Y7 foreign language learning. As a passionate advocate of languages, Christine introduced a Mandarin language beginners’ course and GCSE Latin. She is always looking for new ways to increase students opting for A level MFL courses, to improve GCSE outcomes and to inspire KS3 learners. Christine is a firm believer in research-based practice and a collaborative approach between teachers and teachers and students. She believes effective MFL teaching and learning develops transferable skills across the curriculum and gives students a competitive edge in higher education and the future workplace. She is looking forward to working with you to further enhance languages teaching and learning.

Esther Woodburn
Specialist Teacher

Esther Woodburn
Specialist Teacher
Languages: Spanish and Italian
Current role: Teacher of MFL (Spanish) and SCITT Lead Mentor for MFL
Experience: Esther started her career at Arthur Terry School and Sixth Form (now part of the Trent and Tame Language Hub) in 2018 as Teacher of Spanish progressing to SCITT Mentor with the John Taylor Teaching School and Acting Second in Department. During this time, Esther created online resources for Oak National Academy in lockdown in conjunction with Rachel Hawkes. Esther joined Tudor Grange Academy Solihull in 2022 as Teacher of Spanish, progressing to Lead Mentor via Teach First and the Tudor Grange Teaching School Hub. Esther has also contributed to the interview process for Research School status

Paige Coe
Language Hub Administrator

Paige Coe
Language Hub Administrator
Languages: Japanese
Current role: Administrator
Experience: Paige recently joined the Language Hub team after returning to the UK from Japan, where she worked as an English teacher for 2 years. Prior to moving abroad to teach languages, Paige also trained as a Primary teacher in Solihull. She is excited to support the team from behind the scenes to help the Hub run smoothly!